Sat, 20 January 2024
Hangar 49 has gone full circle. That’s a wrap for our 14th season and our 165th show. So, business is business and our corporate bigwigs for the huge media conglomerate that owns the show has put their foot down. Yep, this show contains a commercial break, just before the news segment. Stay tuned after that for the top aviation news of the day, movie, music, interviews, and more. All in this great show. Movie: The Hindenburg (1975) Book: Aircraft-The Definitive Visual History by DK Smithsonian Interview: Jeanie Brady-Practicing Kindness at 30,000 Feet Website: FAA Flight Delay Information Song: Joni Mitchell/Amelia Destination/Places to Fly To: Airports in low places-Death Valley Comedy/Sound: Nathan McIntosh-Pilots Should be Richer Than Rap Stars |