We talk about different airstrips to visit, the ups and downs of flying in the Pacific Northwest, and all the fun events you can find here! We also like to discuss aviation music, movies, books, and websites. Basically we are just a bunch of fun loving pilots that have a passion for aviation just like you!

With all the excitement over the Covid 19 virus, economic issues, and travel bans, we haven’t been taking airplanes up anywhere. In reality, we’ve just been taking up excess internet bandwidth with this show.  There’s no better way to spend time relaxing at home than listening to this latest episode of Hangar 49.

Movie:  Dive Bomber (1941)

Book:  CFI.  The Book by Alex Stone

Interview:   Den Reed-Wild Sky Aircraft

Website:  Airport Webcams dot Net

Song:  Queensryche/Some People Fly

Destination: Hangar Hotel

Sound/comedy: SNL Airline Pilots

Direct download: H49Ep127.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38am PDT